The MDXSU  Elections decide which students will lead MDXSU for the next academic year and represent all Middlesex University London students. Student Officers are paid full-time, including the president, education officer, and activities officer.

Below are some answers to common questions that come up regarding the elections. If you have any more questions or would like to find out more about the roles, email or come along to one of our Elections 101 drop-ins!

What are the key dates for the main Union elections?

Students can nominate themselves for election from 17th February 2025 - 28th March 2025
We will run a Candidate Development Week for all candidates and their supporters from Tuesday. This is open to all students, so anyone can get involved.
Voting opens on Monday 7th April at 10am until Wednesday 9th April 4pm.


Are the roles paid?

The Student Officer roles are full-time jobs with a salary. You can take a year out of your course or run during your final year to be able to fulfil the role after your graduation.

Student Trustees are voluntary positions you can do alongside your studies and are not paid.


How do I apply for a role?

1) Go to 

2) Log in to your account using your University Email address 

3) Select the election you wish to apply for 

4) Complete the details on the nomination form and upload a photo - you will be asked for a manifesto. We'll run sessions in Candidate Development Week to support you in identifying your campaign promises to students, as well as show you how to make excellent campaign materials including posters, banners and t-shirts. You can submit your manifesto after nominations close by emailing so you can include anything in the manifesto space for now 

5) Once nominations have closed, your nomination will be approved and you will officially be a candidate in the MDXSU Elections!

What's the candidate statement or manifesto

Each candidate creates a statement or manifesto that outlines who they are, what they aim to achieve within the role, and why they should be elected. These can be viewed by students when they go to vote. For more help writing your manifesto, check out our manifesto template or attend a workshop with more information (this will be posted nearer to the time). All manifestos for the Student Officer and Trustee roles must be completed by 4th April at 4PM in order to be uploaded to the website and featured as part of the election.

What should I do if I want to run for more than one role?

You can only run for one full-time Student Officer position. Any candidate running for a Student Officer position may also run for the Student Trustee position. 


I'm an international student - can I run?

Yes! All students are eligible to run and if required we would be able to support you in applying for the correct visa if you successfully win the election.  

I'm a PGR student - can I run?

Yes! All students are eligible to run. However, if you are running for a full-time role, we would strongly advise discussing with your supervisor the implications and practicalities of taking a year out. We would also recommend checking whether it will have any effect on any grants and funding you may receive.   

I'm a PGT student - can I run?

Yes! All students are eligible to run. In case you would like to run for a full-time role, the term of office for any Student Officer role begins in mid-June, so you may still have your dissertation to complete. We would encourage you to discuss this with your supervisor to help organise your time and either submit early or complete your studies alongside your role.

Will it cost me money to run in the election?

Student Officers will have a budget to spend on their campaign, and this money will be provided by the SU. We will confirm how much is available to you at the Candidate Briefing. Expenses form including all receipts/evidence of expenditure must be returned by the close of voting on Wednesday 9th April at 4pm. You must do this, as failure to do so can lead to disqualification. You must not spend more money than is allocated for your campaign, and evidence that you have done so could also lead to disqualification - so please follow this very carefully. 


What skills and knowledge do I need to fill the positions?

All you need is a passion for helping other students and the role you’re applying for. You don’t need any prior knowledge or skills as we’ll ensure you’re fully trained and supported once you've been elected! 

FAQs for Voting

What happens during voting week, and how does campaigning work?

During voting week, you will need to let as many students as possible know who you are and why they should vote for you. This is the part of the election where you get to be creative!  You can use videos, posters and props to tell students why you would be the best candidate for the position. You can get out around campus, speaking to students, and we'll make sure there are opportunities provided by the SU for you to get involved in.

Can I campaign both online and on campus?

Campaigning is allowed on campus & online. You will need to make sure to follow the rules when campaigning, which we will explain to you and your campaign teams at the candidate briefing. 

Who can vote?

All students enrolled on a course at Middlesex University are eligible to vote for the Student Officer & Trustee roles.  

If you’re having any issues, please email 

How do I vote?

Once voting opens you can follow the instructions below to vote:

1) Go to

2) Log in using your University email address

3) Select the election you’re voting in

4) Rank the candidates in the order your order of preference

5) Submit your vote!

If you have issues voting, please email

Who is RON?

'RON' stands for 'Re-Open Nominations'. An option on every ballot for you to choose if you feel no candidate is suitable for the role. If RON wins, nominations re-open and the elections are re-run at a later date


What is Single Transferable Voting (STV)?

The Single Transferable Vote (STV) is the voting system used in all MDXSU elections and is an electoral system that puts the power in your hands. STV is designed to elect the candidate who is popular amongst the majority of voters. Vote for your preferred candidate and also vote for backup preferences. Your vote will go to your first preference if possible, but if they are eliminated, instead of your vote being thrown away, your vote is transferred to your backup preferences, with your vote being assigned to your second, third, or lower choices.


When will the results be announced?

The results will be announced at our results party on Thursday 10th April 2025. If you're not coming along in person, keep an eye out across our social media to find out who your next Student Leaders will be.  

When taking part in any of our elections it is important to know the rules and regulations which help us ensure that the elections are run in a free and fair way. Every student must have an equal chance to run, campaign, and get students to vote for them. Our election rules will differ from election-to-election so it is important to read them every time you run. 

If you're standing for a position in the MDXSU Elections, or if you're campaigning for a particular candidate, you must abide by the election rules. 


Any student can submit a complaint about a candidate or their campaign team or about the election processes until 1 hour after the close of voting. This means we will accept complaints until 5pm, Wednesday 9th April 2025. Complaints received after this time will not be considered unless they call into question the integrity of the election. To submit a complaint, fill out the complaints form and submit it online.

Sanctions and Appeals

A candidate can be sanctioned by the decision of the Returning Officer.

A candidate can appeal the outcome of a sanction against them. An appeal may be made on the following grounds:

  • The interpretation of the bye-laws or election rules was unreasonable
  • The correct procedure set out had not been followed
  • The Returning Officer was prejudiced or biased
  • The Returning Officer failed to take into account available evidence

Appeals must be made no later than 12 noon on the day after the decision of the Returning Officer is communicated to the candidate. Any appeal will be heard by the Appeals Officer, who is a member of the University staff team. The Appeals Officer will hear evidence from the Assistant Returning Officer and any representations by the appealing candidate.

The appeals panel's decision is final.

Single Transferrable Vote

The Single Transferable Vote (STV) is the voting system used in all MDXSU elections and is an electoral system that puts the power in your hands. STV is designed to elect the candidate who is popular amongst the majority of voters. Vote for your preferred candidate and also vote for back-up preferences. Your vote will go to your first preference if possible, but if they are eliminated, instead of your vote being thrown away, your vote is transferred to your back-up preferences, with your vote being assigned to your second, third, or lower choices.

Other Resources

MDXSU is strongly committed to ensuring all students are treated equally, without discrimination. All election candidates are expected to abide by our Equal Opportunities Policy which can be found here.

Any Other Questions?

Please email us at

Voter Turnout